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Our History


(David Iverson at Elementary School)

In 2004, Pastor David Iverson found out that the local Fountain Hills food bank was going to close. Having a heart for the community he decided to work with the former directors and took over the role of feeding our community. His mission was simple, Helping our friends and neighbors during difficult times.


His first decision was to change the name from St.Dominics to Extended Hands Food Bank. He was reminded of an old hymn he learned growing up that went,


"Oh to be His hands extended, reaching out to the oppressed."


This became the driving force over the years to keep the food bank open even as it weathered its own difficult times. Pastor David knew there would always be a need in our community and to close the food banks doors would leave hundreds of people with food insecurities.


Since 2004, the demand for the food bank has continued to increase as more and more of our friends and neighbors lost jobs. No one ever wants to be put in the position of choosing to pay the mortgage or put food on the table, but that is what commonly happens. People having to make tough decisions financially that ultimately would leave them without money for food.


That is where our great community of volunteers and financial supporters stepped in to say "no one should have to go without food". Monthly we now serve upwards to 1000 people. Giving not only food but more importantly HOPE. Relieving the stress of, "Will we be able to put food on the the table for our kids?"


Our volunteers prepare hundreds of food boxes and bags every month. Each one contains items most families need to make great meals. In addition to the food boxes, families can pick up breads donated from local grocery stores. All of this helps us to eliminate hunger in our community one person at a time.


So we would ask you to please consider DONATING financially and VOLUNTEERING your time to help us continue our great effort of helping our friends and neighbors during difficult times.


(David I. accepting donation)

501c3 # 20-0873646

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